4 Hrs/ 40 Kms | 8 Hrs/80 Kms | 12 Hrs/120 Kms | Extra Km | Extra Hours | Outstation Per Km | Outstation Driver Allowance |
Rs 1600 | Rs 3200 | Rs 4800 | Rs 17 | Rs 270 | Rs 18 | Rs 450 |
Terms & Conditions:
(a) The time and kilometer will start and end Shed to Shed.
(b) Day means Calendar Day.
(c) Parking, permit, interstate taxes, entry fees, toll etc., will be charged on actuals.
(d) Driver allowance for outstation usage will be Rs.200/= per Night.
* A minimum of 250kms per day will be charged for all outstation trips.
(e) Service Tax will be charged on gross billing as per prevailing government rates.
(f) Payment for the same day (End of trip)
(g) Current price of fuel Diesel Rs.45.20. Any increase above
one rupee of the current prices will warrant a proportional hike in the tariff.
(h) 12hrs/120Kms after charges applicable will lead to next slab.
(i) Every additional 1 Hrs after Hours usage, will lead to next slab.
** Vehicles are subject to availability at the time of confirmation.
** Rates may vary if there is hike in fuel price.
Hope the above rates are quite competitive and we now look forward to your
Thanking you and assuring our best services and prompt attention at all times.
Thanks & Regards,
MBC Fleets Team
Call: 044-4359 5757